Astrological Tips: 6 Things You Should Never Do After Sunset

In Vedic astrology and Hindu traditions, the time after sunset holds special significance. The energies of the day and night shift, bringing changes to the atmosphere and our surroundings. Certain actions, which are considered auspicious during the day, might carry negative connotations or consequences if performed after the sun goes down. Here are six things you should avoid doing after sunset according to astrological beliefs:

Astrological Tips: 6 Things You Should Never Do After Sunset

1. Avoid Sweeping the House

Sweeping or cleaning the house after sunset is believed to drive away prosperity. According to Vastu Shastra, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, visits homes during the evening, and sweeping during this time might inadvertently sweep away good fortune and blessings. It’s best to complete all cleaning tasks during the day to ensure that positive energies are retained in your home.

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2. Don’t Lend Money

Lending money after sunset is considered inauspicious in astrology. It is believed that money lent during this time may never return, symbolizing financial loss and difficulties. If you need to lend or borrow money, it’s recommended to do so during the day to avoid potential financial setbacks.

3. Avoid Cutting Nails and Hair

Cutting nails or hair after sunset is another practice that is traditionally discouraged. This belief is rooted in the idea that our body parts, including hair and nails, carry a certain energy, and removing them after dark might disrupt the flow of positive energy. To maintain balance and harmony, these grooming activities are best done during daylight hours.

4. Refrain from Eating Certain Foods

Eating heavy or tamasic (spiritually dulling) foods after sunset is generally avoided. In Ayurvedic tradition, it is suggested that lighter, sattvic (pure) foods should be consumed in the evening to promote better digestion and maintain mental clarity. Foods like onions, garlic, and meat, which are considered tamasic, are best avoided after dark as they can lead to lethargy and negative energies.

5. Don’t Start New Ventures

Initiating new ventures or significant activities after sunset is considered inauspicious in Vedic astrology. The energy of the night is believed to be more conducive to rest and introspection rather than beginning something new. If you’re planning to start a new business, project, or even a spiritual practice, it’s advisable to do so during the daytime when the energies are more supportive of growth and success.

6. Avoid Arguments and Conflicts

Engaging in arguments or conflicts after sunset can attract negative energies into your life. The calm and quiet of the night should be preserved, and any disputes should ideally be resolved during the day. After sunset, the atmosphere is more sensitive, and conflicts can have a more profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

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Observing these astrological tips can help you align with the natural energies of the day and night, promoting peace, prosperity, and positive vibrations in your life. By being mindful of these practices, you can create a harmonious environment that supports your overall well-being.


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